Funeral or Celebration of Life
Please accept my condolences on the death of your loved one. Saying goodbye is never easy.
A celebrant ceremony would be perfect for you, if your loved one has no religious affiliation. We can then create a meaningful service that would reflect their beliefs as well as contributions from family and friends.
Having worked in Health & Social for so many years supporting people who have been end of life as well as supporting their loving families.
I believe I can support you, to ensure your loved one has the very special send-off they deserve.
“No person is ever truly alone. Those who live no more, whom we loved, echo still within our thoughts, our words, and our hearts” – Good Morning echo
We can make this happen in any way you find appropriate for your loved one, be it uplifting, humorous, serious and solemn. Let’s celebrate the memories, love and life.
Let me help you create a meaningful service for your loved one.
Package £225 2023
What’s included:
- Meet to discuss your plans in person, and an additional meeting to finalise plans.
- Writing the eulogy or supporting you to write eulogy
- Sourcing poems, readings, music
- I will lead the service at a location of your choice on the day it can be the crematorium, natural burial ground or somewhere with special memories.
- A copy of the ceremony in a presentation file on the day
Not included:
Any mileage over 40 miles-these would be charged at the HMRC rate of 45p a mile